In this article, DeNovix will outline the ideal operating protocols for the green fluorescence protein (GFP) application.
EasyApps software includes pre-installed count apps for rapid counting and viability assessment. This note defines the count settings and how each can be adjusted to optimize performance.
In this post, DeNovix offers tips for guaranteeing cell counting accuracy with your CellDrop™ instrument.
EasyApps software includes pre-installed count apps for rapid counting and viability assessment. This note defines the count settings and how each can be adjusted to optimize performance.
The presence of debris, non-nucleated cells and highly variable cell numbers can make counting primary cells challenging. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) are a common primary cell source where accurate enumeration is essential. This technical note outlines the best practices for counting PBMCs using the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter.
DeNovix offers a range of brightfield and fluorescence beads as an alternative to biological samples for cell counter training and qualification purposes.
In this post, DeNovix explores primary cell counting using AO/PI with a focus on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).
Viability is a key metric in determining the activity of yeast cells in solution using fluorescent stains like FDA and PI with both cell counters.
Despite the variety of cell counters available, they can typically be divided into one of two sub-groups: manual and automated cell counters.
The Trypan Blue app on CellDrop™ Series instruments enables rapid automated cell counting and viability of cell suspensions stained with Trypan Blue.