DeNovix Launches Nuclei Counting Apps for CellDrop Automated Cell Counters
DeNovix Inc. announces the launch of two dedicated Nuclei counting Apps for the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter.
WILMINGTON, DE – August 1st, 2022 – DeNovix Inc, the manufacturer of the award-winning CellDrop Automated Cell Counter, has developed two dedicated nuclei counting apps capable of differentiating isolated nuclei and intact cells from debris.
“CellDrop instruments are an important quality control step in workflows for applications such as ATAC-Seq and RNA-Seq,” said David Ash, DeNovix Applications Director. “The new nuclei counting software apps are optimized for either trypan blue or AO/PI fluorescence. Samples are analyzed in under 10 seconds, providing scientists with quality metrics including nuclei counts, live cell counts and extraction efficiency.”
The new apps are provided as a free of charge update to DeNovix EasyApps™ software.
About CellDrop Cell Counters
The CellDrop Series is a line of image-based, automated cell counters. Systems include a high definition 7 inch touchscreen for live preview and instant review of results. Pre-installed EasyApps software includes applications for AO/PI, Brightfield, Trypan Blue, GFP and user customized methods.
The software delivers rapid cell counts, viability reports and transfection efficiency assays. All instruments feature wi-fi, USB and ethernet connectivity, allowing users to easily export data via email, network drives, network printers or USB drive. CellDrop Automated Cell Counters are available in brightfield and dual fluorescence + brightfield models.