Powerful, Sensitive Fluorescence Quantification

The QFX Fluorometer is more sensitive and reproducible than any other instrument in its class.

Why Do Scientists Choose the QFX Fluorometer?

The DeNovix QFX Fluorometer offers the widest dynamic range, greatest sensitivity, and ground-breaking ease of use. The QFX includes four excitation sources and requires as little as 1 μL of sample. The system is compatible with DeNovix dsDNA and RNA Fluorescence Quantification assays, commonly used Thermo Fisher Qubit™ assays, or user-configured custom assays.

QFX fluorometer
Dynamic Range & Sensitivity

0.5 pg/µL – 4000 ng/µL dsDNA
250 pg/µL – 1500 ng/µL RNA

QFX Home Screen
Powerful EasyApps™ Software

Easy-to-use, intuitive software designed by life scientists, for life scientists.

DS-11 flexible export and connectivity
Flexible Export & Connectivity

Wi-Fi, USB, Email, Ethernet and more. Data app automatically saves results.

Intuitive, Affordable and Broadest Dynamic Range

The QFX Fluorometer is more sensitive and reproducible than any other instrument in its class. The QFX is a powerful solution for all fluorometric applications where enhanced specificity or sensitivity are needed. Quantify nucleic acids and proteins using four user-selectable fluorescent channels with a choice of common assays or easily create custom apps for the ultimate in fluorometer flexibility. The DeNovix QFX Fluorometer outperforms the Thermo Fisher Qubit™ fluorometer and other tube fluorometers, giving superior data quality, more powerful software, and full network integration for seamless data handling.

Combined with the DeNovix Fluorescence Assays, the QFX offers quantification of DNA between 0.5 pg/µL and 4000 ng/µL. The ideal solution for quantification of degraded or low concentration samples, even in the presence of common contaminants.


Easy to Learn. Fast to Use.

The QFX features the most powerful and intuitive software in its class. Pre-installed DeNovix EasyApps™ and an intuitive touchscreen interface ensure error-free operation and sample to data in under 2 seconds. Every instrument is ready right out of the box – no PC set-up or software installation required.

  • Autosave up to 2 million samples.
  • Four user-selectable fluorescent channels
  • Compatible with all common quantification assays
  • Easily create custom assays

Fluorescence Freedom!

DeNovix fluorometers give scientists the flexibility to choose any fluorescent assay, not just the assays supplied by one manufacturer. Fluorometer apps are compatible with DeNovix Fluorescence Assays and other common commercially available assays measured in standard 0.5 mL thin-wall PCR tubes.

Compatible Assays Include:

dsDNA: DeNovix dsDNA Broad Range, DeNovix dsDNA High Sensitivity, DeNovix dsDNA Ultra High Sensitivity, Quant-iT PicoGreen™, Quant-iT dsDNA HS, Quant-iT dsDNA BR, Qubit™ dsDNA BR, Qubit™ dsDNA HS, Quantifluor™ dsDNA, Quantifluor™ One dsDNA, Qubit™ 1X dsDNA HS, Qubit™ 1X dsDNA BR

RNA: DeNovix RNA Assay, Quant-iT Ribogreen, Quant-iT RNA BR, Quant-iT RNA HS, Qubit™ RNA BR, Qubit™ RNA HS, Quantifluor RNA, Quant-iT microRNA, Qubit™ MicroRNA

ssDNA: Quant-iT OliGreen, Qubit™ ssDNA, Quantifluor ssDNA

Protein: Quant-iT Protein, Qubit™ Protein, Qubit™ Protein BR

Wide Range of Applications

Nucleic Acid Quantification

  • Compatible with all commonly used quantification assays including Qubit™, Quant-it™ and Quantifluor™
  • Easy configuration of additional assays
  • Single or multi-replicate standard curve options
  • User control of line fit, trend line analysis, subtraction of blank
  • User control of assay and reported sample concentration units
  • Save and re-use curves and lists of standard concentrations

Custom Fluorescence Apps

  • Add new standard curve based fluorescent assays (nucleic assay, protein or other)
  • Basic Fluorometer app returns RFU values for a wide range of fluorophores with four user-selectable fluorescent channels

Key Features

  • Compatible with all commonly used protein quantification assays
  • Easy configuration of additional assays
  • Single or multi-replicate standard curve options
  • User control of line fit, trend line analysis, subtraction of blank
  • User control of assay and reported sample concentration units
  • Save and re-use curves and lists of standard concentrations

Four User-Selectable Fluorescent Channels for Greater Assay Choice

DeNovix Fluorometers include four user-selectable emission and excitation channels to provide scientists the flexibility to use the fluorophore and detection ranges of your choice. Choose from UV (375 nm), Blue (470 nm), Green (525 nm) or Red (635 nm) excitation sources.

DS-Series Models and Specifications

Which DS-Series model is right for your lab? Compare all spectrophotometer fluorometer models with the full list of features and specifications.

A blue DS-11 Series spectrophotometer-fluorometer
DS-11 Series
A red DS-8X spectrophotometer-fluorometer
A silver DS-7 spectrophotometer-fluorometer
A white Helium Spectrophotometer
A white DS-C spectrophotometer-fluorometer
A white QFX spectrophotometer-fluorometer
1 µL UV Samples✅ x 8--
Spectral Scan--
Cuvette Absorbance--
FluorescenceAdd On--Add On
Detection Limit (dsDNA)0.0005 –
37,500 ng/µL
2 –
11,000 ng/µL
2 – 15,000 ng/µL2 – 1,600 ng/µL0.04 – 75 ng/µL0.0005 –
4,000 ng/µL

Software Features

QFX Home Screen

EasyApps™ Software

EasyApps software is designed by life scientists and combines with an intuitive touchscreen interface to ensure error-free operation and sample to data in under 3 seconds. Every instrument is ready to go right out of the box – no PC set-up or software installation required.

Data App Search Tab

User Accounts and Data Handling

  • All data is automatically saved and searchable in the Data App
  • Password protected accounts available
  • LIMS compatible data export format
  • Print microfuge tube labels using a DeNovix supported printer
  • Print reports to a networked printer or DeNovix supported label printer
  • Export full data sets via email; save to a network folder or USB thumb drive


Simply and securely connect the QFX to your network by Wi-Fi or Ethernet to enable data exporting by email, or print reports to network or label printers.

Each measurement is automatically saved to a large onboard memory, enabling storage and retrieval of millions of samples. For labs requiring external data storage, network folder locations can be defined for each user account to automatically export and archive results.



A full installation and qualification (IQ/OQ) package is available for all DS-Series models.

Quote includes IQ/OQ documentation and reagents necessary for end-user completion of IQ/OQ process. On-site services are not provided by DeNovix.

Fluorometer Diagnostics

Fluorometer Diagnostics

The Fluorometer Diagnostics App can be used to test the function of the 4 LED sources and photodiode detectors in any DS Series fluorescence enabled instrument.

Other Apps

21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Ready

EasyApps Secure provides an optional suite of software controls that allow regulated GxP facilities to easily add DS-11 Series instruments to their compliant workflows (view the compliance statement). The software is fully integrated within the onboard operating system and includes a range of features essential to ensuring compliance, including:

  • Password protected system access
  • Integrated electronic signature controls
  • Comprehensive user account management
  • Secure audit trail recording
  • Advanced data handling and export tools
21CFR compliance ready

Assays & Accessories

DeNovix Fluorescence Quantification Assays includes four offerings designed for accuracy and linearity.

  • dsDNA Broad Range (BR) Assay: 0.1 – 4000 ng/µL
  • dsDNA High Sensitivity (HS) Assay: 0.005 – 250 ng/µL
  • dsDNA Ultra High Sensitivity (UHS) Assay: 0.0005 – 0.3 ng/µL
  • RNA Assay: 0.25 – 1500 ng/µL
DeNovix Fluorescence Quantification Assays


The QFX Fluorometer has a 4.8 / 5 star rating on SelectScience from independent scientist reviews.

Take the Next Step

Learn More about the QFX Fluorometer

If you’re interested in learning more about the QFX Fluorometer, consider signing up for a 7-Day Free Trial, scheduling a call with our applications team, or requesting a quote. Click the buttons below to take the next step!

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DS-Series, Instruments

Quantus™ and QuantiFluor™ are registered trademarks of Promega Corporation and its subsidiaries and are used for identification and references purposes only. DeNovix, DeNovix products and this website are not endorsed or authorized by or in any way affiliated with Promega Corporation.

Qubit™, Quant-iT and PicoGreen™ are registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries and are used for identification and references purposes only. DeNovix, DeNovix products and this website are not endorsed by Thermo Fisher Scientific. DeNovix fluorometer products are provided under an intellectual property license from Life Technologies Corporation. See denovix.com/license.

For Research Use Only