Download this free resource to explore advances in quality control methods for single nuclei sample preparation.
This research spotlight highlights the work of Dr. Oleg Tsupykov from the Department of Cytology at the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology.
During our Optimizing Nuclei Extraction & Counting for Single Cell Sequencing webinar, we conducted a live Q&A session with our applications team.
The DeNovix CellDrop becomes the first automated cell counter to receive an ACT® Environmental Impact Factor Label from My Green Lab®.
Explore recommended methods for optimizing nuclei counts before downstream sequencing applications, including the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter.
DeNovix Application Scientist Ben Capozzoli discusses methods and tips for preparing nuclei samples before single cell sequencing workflows.
A DeNovix research spotlight for the Jorgensen Lab from the University of Utah, studying the molecular basis of synaptic transmission.
Fluorometers are used for precise quantitation of biological molecules including nucleic acids and proteins in microliter (μl) samples.
This virtual demo of the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter features an introduction to the instrument's software, an explanation of the CellDrop's innovative technology, and live counts using both brightfield and fluorescence methods.
In this webinar, DeNovix Scientific Director Dan Schieffer explains the advantages of fluorescence for cell counting and viability assessment.