Several methods exist for RNA and DNA quantification, and not all of them were created equally. So, how should you choose the best technique?
The DeNovix dsDNA Ultra High Sensitivity Assay enables the accurate detection of purified double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) samples with a standard detection range of 0.5 pg – 300 pg total mass in 200 µL volumes and is compatible with a range of fluorometers and microplate readers.
Fluorescein and its derivative fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) are ubiquitous in cell and molecular biology as a fluorescent label for cells and in many other applications. The DeNovix® DS-11 Series Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer instruments enable precise fluorescein quantification using a proprietary optical core and four versatile fluorescence channels.
DeNovix has been awarded the SelectScience® Gold Seal of Quality Award for the CellDrop™ Automated Cell Counter.
DeNovix CellDrop beads provide a convenient alternative to biologic samples for instrument qualification and training.
A short video outlining the best practices for loading and cleaning using DirectPipette, the unique sample retention and measurement technology of CellDrop Automated Cell Counters
Learn about the DeNovix Accounts app and how you can configure your DeNovix instruments to use password protected accounts, preferred methods and measurement modes, save email addresses and more.
Learn the how and when fluorescence quantification can be the better method to quantify biomolecules. Both fluorescence and UV-Vis methods are simple and each has its advantages over the other. This video explains those details and demonstrates fluorescence quantification using DeNovix fluorometers.
Results can be easily exported from DeNovix instruments and in the wide variety of formats. Whether you want to export screen shots, raw data or custom formatted exports to destinations such as email, USB, printers, network's all explained in this video!
Sample carryover is eliminated using these simple steps for cleaning after making routine microvolume UV-Vis measurements (1 uL samples). In addition instructions are shown for how to clean surfaces where samples may have dried onto the measurement surfaces.