Many yeast samples from brewing contain extracellular debris and are small in size, making them difficult to count using a traditional hemocytometer or brightfield cell counter. This technical note will provide the information needed to accurately count yeast concentration and viability using the fluorescent dyes fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and propidium iodide (PI).
For any laboratory technique, applying best practices will ensure accurate and reproducible results. Understanding the potential sources of error for microvolume UV-Vis measurements helps to improve reproducibility of results.
The DS-11 Series includes three instruments with cuvette capability. Routine calibration is not required, however tools and reagents are available to validate performance to comply with lab or regulatory requirements.
The software for the DeNovix® DS-11 Series Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer instruments enables the printing of data and screen captures via network printers. This document provides a step-by-step guide to exporting from a DeNovix Android OS instrument to a network printer.
The use of trypan blue can be problematic for counting cells and assessing viability in some sample types where debris or non-nucleated cells can interfere. The DeNovix Acridine Orange (Ao) / Propidium Iodide (PI) fluorescence assay is a simple, accurate alternative. Comparative data is presented here.
This note presents a comparison of instrument features and system performance of the DeNovix DS-11 Series and the Thermo Fisher Qubit™ 3.0/4 fluorometers. A performance comparison of DeNovix dsDNA Quantification Assays and Thermo Fisher Qubit™ dsDNA assays is also presented.
The NIST has proposed a robust method to assess cell counting linearity and reproducibility. This technical note presents data for the CellDrop using this method and compares results to manually cell counting.
GFP is a common marker for transfection in biological systems. In order to assess transfection success it is important to optimize cell counting settings. this technical note provides a detailed protocol for optimizing the CellDrop GFP Count App.
GFP is a common fluorophore used in molecular and cell biology. DS-11 Series and QFX fluorometers enable precise GFP quantification. Data on typical performance are presented in this note.
GFP is a common fluorophore used in molecular and cell biology. DS-11 Series and QFX fluorometers enable precise GFP quantification. Data on typical performance are presented in this note.